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To overcome the difficulties together, NorthGlass is in action

date:2022-04-18 16:51:57


In March 2022, the spring in Shanghai lost its previous vitality, and the haze of the epidemic shrouded the whole of Shanghai. In this “battle” without gunsmoke, the anti-epidemic personnel of NorthGlass have built a fortress of peace for everyone, guarding the “small community” of NorthGlass.

Every “DaBai is a respectable and lovely person


Since the start of the anti-epidemic battle in Shanghai, Xiaokunshan Town of Songjiang District has divided the industrial park into five positioning points, and Shanghai NorthGlass is one of them, which is responsible for nucleic acid test and antigen dectecion for 1,500 people from more than 20 enterprises including NorthGlass and surrounding areas. Under the direct leadership of the president team and the Party branch, Zhu Jiali, the positioning director, received the work requirements of the town government at around 11:30 every night, and detailed the division of labor and completed the tasks and arrangements of the staff of the next day.


Faced with the heavy and risky tasks, Sun Jing and Ma Wenzheng and other Shanghai NorthGlass Party members took the charge in front, and administrators and front-line employees also actively responded to the application to join the volunteer team. Because of the urgent task and special situation, the volunteers quickly rushed to the front line of anti-epidemic after a brief training.


At 5 am every day, volunteers put on their protective suits to start their day's work. The fully sealed protective suits are full of sweat, and they can hardly have a drink of water during their busy work. All the “DaBaihave “collapsed” after such intense, intense work. Up to now, our volunteers have completed 12 rounds of testing for 1,500 people from the designated units in the responsibility areaVolunteers also need to solve the problems of distributing anti-epidemic materials, dispensing drugs for staff, and seeking medical treatment for acute patients.


Our volunteer “DaBai are not only active in the location of XiaoKunshan, and Guo Shuang, Wang Songhua, Dong Xiaoning, Xu Jiangqin, Chai Qun, Shang Huiling and other employees of NorthGlass have joined the volunteer team of their community, contributing their own strength to the anti-epidemic work.

It is a peaceful time because someone for us carry a load forward

Due to the sudden outbreak of epidemic, there is a shortage of supplies throughout Shanghai. NorthGlass support staff provided three meals a day for accommodation staff and their families of 350 people. Before Pudong and Puxi were locked down in Shanghai, canteen director Li Yanheng and purchasing agent Gao Shaoting respectively went to the market to buy necessary goods, and contacted the suppliers to ensure vegetables, meat products supply during the special timeand provided basic needs for the accommodation staff.


Due to the canteen staff is not enoughother three employees living outside initiatively returned to the company to ensure three daily meals for 350 people in the companyAnd three employees' families also volunteered to help in the canteen.


After the day's work, the volunteers are also responsible for the disinfection of every corner of the factory. At this moment, we are cooperating and overcoming the difficulties together.

We are family

Sun Jing, Party member and volunteer

This is our responsibility. Shanghai NorthGlass is our home, everyone will be good and NorthGlass will be better; and we do this work not only for Songjiang, Shanghai, but also for our Countrywe can do and must do it.

Gao Shaoting, Party member and volunteer

This anti-epidemic is really like a war. The government will collect the data of the day and adjust the deployment according to the actual situation. The instructions we have received are all dynamic. I am a retired soldier of the army and a Party member. I feel the organization and discipline of NorthGlass in this time.

Sun Xiaosheng, Volunteer

The volunteers are all very active, volunteers have a series of requirements, I feel very honored to be selected.This epidemic has made everyone more friendly and united. Teamwork, sense of honor and cohesion make the whole Shanghai NorthGlass full of positive energy.

Ma QiangEmployee

We feel at ease to stay in NorthGlass. We not only have food, meat and fruit and thanks to the company leaders and all the volunteers who worked for us, and hope everthing will be fine.

Li Xin, Employee

In this epidemic, our Shanghai NorthGlass has made all staff and family members are very at ease, whether life security or anti-epidemic testing are orderly. The staff was really working very hard and many of our employees got the news of blockade, they came to work together with us. The spirit of dedication has moved all employees in our industrial park.

So far, there have been no confirmed or suspected cases in the Shanghai NorthGlass.The Park has formed a strong joint force to fight the epidemic, demonstrating the responsibility and action of the people in the anti-epidemic and control test, and contributing to the anti-epidemic in the whole region and even in Shanghai. With the help of the company leaders, the Party members, the volunteers and the staff, NorthGlass has built the solid “Great Wall of anti-epidemic”. Everyone helped each other and overcomed the difficulties together. Hope that we will overcome the epidemic as soon as possible and create a better future!